• Jul 26 Thu 2007 12:25
  • Weird

Kind of feeling weird today.

I completed my presentation, and finalized what I mainly worked on for the past ten weeks yesterday afternoon. Definitely the content was full of stuff, logical, persuasive, and really professional since it’s mainly an analysis report itself. Though I still have two more reports, one presentation follow-up and maybe three more meetings need to be done in the next two weeks (actually the loading is kind of heavy for 9 work days…), yet I feel empty in my head now.

It’s like you already attend the graduation ceremony, but you still have classes and final on the other day. You think it’s the time that the journey should be ended, and want to stop and really think about the unique and never-come-back experiences in those days, yet the days are still going on.

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  • Jul 23 Mon 2007 10:56
  • 手殘

由於每個星期打籃球, 於是帶傷的景況又再度出現了...


左邊臉頰被撞到(還長智齒的地方咧~), 有夠大力的~整個頭暈了幾秒;

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原本預定要回家趕報告, 趕不動就發呆的昨晚,

- 我老了, 心臟負荷不起小朋友這樣鬧,
(還被取笑說我做事風格像老人..= =)

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它出現在我信箱裡的時間很妙很貼心, 文章後再解釋~


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  • Jul 18 Wed 2007 16:16
  • 週年

今天, 要紀念一下~

雖然日子還是照舊過, 報告還是照舊趕, 中午也照舊去健身房踩踩跑步機...

真的是以恩典為年歲的冠冕, 祢的路徑都滴下脂油來...

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事實證明, 我的預感向來準得不像話,
(剛才又證明一件三月多就有預感會很不妙, 事實也證明真的很不妙...不過, 算了, let it go...^^)

旅程接近尾聲, 並不等同於結束,
一方面要時刻提醒自己凡事都要慎始善終, 越接近ending越要謹慎自守,
(過去幾年中, 常遇見多方壓力與責任壓下來的時候, 都是這四個字讓我冷靜了下來)

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--- 打籃球真的是交朋友的好方法!

似乎每到一個新環境, 或快或慢, 總會最後打到籃球,
然後因為打籃球的緣故, 認識一些很棒的朋友(ex: 標叔囉~),

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John 6:1-14

" Philip anwered him, 'Eight months wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!'"


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----- 林後2:14b

嗯, 就是這樣。

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Have I ever made comments about the one who sit next to me?
Who we share the same partition?

She is a secretary.

She is senior...
She is friendly....

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I can't believe it~~~~~~~!!
Steve Jobs announced that every Apple emplyee would be getting a free 8GB iPhone!


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At the beginning, I was nervous about the unknown internship in an unknown area and lived with an unknown family for 12 weeks.

Definitely I prayed that I would be fine, but what I wanted were more then that. I prayed that it would be like a revival seminar customized for me that I can gain more knowledge, experiences, being refreshed and being recharged in all aspects in this summer. I’d be a new person with different and deeper insights rather than a burned-out one seeking for healing when the time back to Taiwan. Moreover, I could make good friends, and I would have lots of fun.

I had tons of expectations that I myself even couldn’t remember them and needed to check my diary. However, You remember them all. And Lord, You made me witness that all my prayers about this summer are being realized.

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由於幾個星期下來, 每週末我都在外面玩得很徹底,

--- 連兩週六早上去Peace Valley Park 摘草莓與藍梅,

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