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TIME 原文連結
TIME Sunday, Jan. 08, 2006


What is creativity? Where does it come from? The workings of the creative mind have been subjected to intense scrutiny over the past 25 years by an army of researchers in psychology, sociology, anthropology and neuroscience. But no one has a better overview of this mysterious mental process than Washington University psychologist R. Keith Sawyer, author of the new book Explaining Creativity: The Science of Human Innovation (Oxford; 336 pages). He's working on a version for the lay reader, due out in 2007 from Basic Books. In an interview with Francine Russo, Sawyer shares some of his findings and suggests ways in which we can enhance our creativity not just in art, science or business but in everyday life.


Q. Has the new wave of research upended any of our popular notions about creativity?

A. Virtually all of them. Many people believe creativity comes in a sudden moment of insight and that this "magical" burst of an idea is a different mental process from our everyday thinking. But extensive research has shown that when you're creative, your brain is using the same mental building blocks you use every day—like when you figure out a way around a traffic jam .

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這趟回來, 我終於見到風聞已久的"去他的萬一"

--- 酪梨壽司的紐約 MBA日記

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下星期Consumer Behavior要交12面的期中報告,
由於要求甚多, 差不多把大家都已經快搞瘋了, 而題目是Amazon的最新強力主打---Kindle!!!

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今晚心血來潮和被我站在世界的中心呼喊好讚的室友上網查了CES 2008,
就是為了這台Motorola DH01

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經過朋友同意後, 我將他寄給我的"情書"post了出來,
想當然爾, 當我看完這封信後立刻回了信囉~蠻感動的~ 此時此刻post這篇心情也會比較好...



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Can't stand for this news anymore...
Overwhelming breaking....

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I can't believe it~~~~~~~!!
Steve Jobs announced that every Apple emplyee would be getting a free 8GB iPhone!


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最近因為敝program在Ecnomist MBA ranking直直落~
一年不到, 狂跌....非常多名....^^"

紛紛在問"上一屆的domestic students在幹麻???"(註一)

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版主之前在NYU念MBA, 裡面有很多留學生的心情, 特別是身為一個MBA...

Well, 我還不知道,
看了, 很有感覺, 裡面有很多的想法感受是過去快一年中我走過, 經歷過卻說不出來的,
包括像MBA的social life ^___________________^

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很認分的開始備課 --- 上課前有無數篇文章要念完..
(是誰說這學期會比較輕鬆的, 騙我騙我, 明明還是五門主科嘛~~~~~~~~~~@@)

“Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others.
It is the only means.”
----------------------------------------------- Albert Einstein

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這是前兩天收到的轉寄信, 從以前的同事寄來的, 看了, 很感動....
可能很多人已經看過了, 我也轉寄出去了(當然是只寄了手邊有的幾個e-mail囉....),
可是還是很想把他po在我的blog上, 底下有個youtube的網址, 有放影片, 配樂真的很讚, 聽就知道了....


Subject: 跑步場上一個令人感動的傳奇"Team hoyt"

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