
原本沒有那麼明顯, 直到上週三中午跟同事開開心心去吃了all you can eat。

從當天下午開始, 我連續兩個下午肚子痛\消化不良\脹氣\etc., 並且非常震驚的面對生活作息劇烈的改變所帶來的後遺症 --- 從騎腳踏車上下班, 走路上下課變成前所未有的開車上下班, 導致那天若是不運動, 扣掉辦公室/家裡走動的那幾分鐘, 幾乎形同坐輪椅一整天, 腿幾乎拿來裝飾用的 --- 天啊, 想到都覺得好恐怖, 簡直媲美滿清十大酷刑啊~~~~~~~~~~~~~@@

不過消化不良還是要想辦法解決的。除了乖乖運動之外, 我很認命的由原本的肉食主義, 成了草食動物。回顧了這幾天吃進肚子的東西, 赫然發現竟然有整整連續三天多我完全沒有吃到肉。但, 好吧, 肚子在被迫吃了好幾天的草後終於恢復正常了 --- 超感動的~~~Orz

於是你可以想像, 當我最近看到下面Wendy’s 的"Meatatarian"廣告時, 整個就很無言:

"No, I’m a meatatarian. Meatatarian, I only eat meat, beef, and bacon. You know? Meatatarian"

"It’s a personal choice. You need to commit to it."

--- ooxx............................

I was, I am, and I will always be a meatatarian as long as I can digest better~~~~~~~~~ ="=

不過也許真正跌破大家眼鏡, at least my ex-roommate’s, though she doesn’t wear glasses (海賊王裡布魯克式笑話), 不是我吃了整整好幾天的草, 而是我買了從來沒買過也不知道怎麼處理的蔬菜: beet, Okra, 蓮藕與苜蓿芽(當然也是剛好週五跟同事去韓國超市時看到), 並且I actually flavored, cooked, and then put those veggies into lunch boxes for two days....相信我, 連我自己看到我的便當時, 自己都覺得"天啊, 我變了.....太不可思議了....Orz" 但不否認, 當星期一早上(91勞動節放假)整個房間充滿著蜜糖蓮藕(其實應該是桂花蜜藕, 但誰會有桂花蜜這種東西啊Orz)的香味時, 整個人心情都甜蜜了起來~~>///<

事後查了一下這些說常見不是很常見, 有時看見也叫不出名字的蔬菜, 才發現他們竟然都可以號稱是近幾年超熱門的健康蔬菜。底下節錄了這些"草"的一些營養成分與功效, 很顯然還真的很適合天天久坐不運動的上班族啊:

苜蓿芽 (Alfalfa sprouts)

Nutrition Fact: Low in Saturated Fat, Sodium, and Cholesterol, and high in Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Riboflavin, Folate, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Protein, Vitamin A, Thiamin, Pantothenic Acid, Calcium and Iron

"Alfalfa sprouts have long been famous as "health food" but recent research shows that in addition to being a superb source of nutrients, they also have important curative ability…Saponins lower the bad cholesterol and fat but not the good HDL fats……stimulate the immune system by increasing the activity of natural killer cells such as T- lymphocytes and interferon. The saponin content of alfalfa sprouts multiplies 450% over that of the unsprouted seed. Sprouts also contain an abundance of highly active antioxidants that prevent DNA destruction and protect us from the ongoing effects of aging. It wouldn't be inconceivable to find a fountain of youth here, after all, sprouts represent the miracle of birth."

Beet (甜菜根)

Nutrition Fact: Carbohydrates, Sugars, Dietary fibre, Protein, Vitamin A, Thiamin (Vit. B1), Riboflavin (Vit. B2), Niacin (Vit. B3), Pantothenic acid, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc

Okra (秋葵)

Nutrition Fact: Carbohydrates, Dietary fibre, Protein, Folate, Vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium



蓮藕 (Lotus root)

Nutrition Fact: Low in Saturated Fat, and Cholesterol; high in Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Potassium, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Phosphorus, Copper and Manganese

“蓮藕含豐富的不溶性食物纖維, 維他命C及豐富鐵質,有補血、助眠、清涼退火、涼血散瘀、止渴、開胃、利尿、止咳、健脾養胃、止瀉、養血補氣、改善便秘及排出體內有害物質,促進腸黏液的分泌,可預防感冒;以帶皮的蓮藕萃取原汁提煉後的蓮藕汁,每日飲用,有潤肺止咳的效用。蓮藕性平味甘,補中養神,益氣力,止渴,治腰痛、止血、清血、益胃及降血壓。由於蓮藕在人體有綜合的功能,所以它對消除神經疲勞,自律神經失調、更年期障礙失眠都有幫助。”

看完還是霧煞煞的對不對? 沒關係, 不重要, 只要記得下次消化不良被迫要吃草的時候, 它們是很好的選擇, 很營養很消化, 重點是超好處理, 並且很好吃!


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