
因為工作忙碌的關係, 我有大約兩三個星期沒有更新blog或twitter, 包括生日的一些想法與獲得的祝福

--- 我的 神向來很夠意思, 生日前後我竟從三個女牧師 + 師母得到加倍的祝福與預言, all directed to the same direction。以至於雖然我慘到不行, 自己都覺得很自虐, 卻實在沒得怨...Orz

其實只要不看著電腦, 大腦裡都有很多想法, 自己都覺得 "哇, 真是讚! 一定有啟示在當中~~", 然而一看到電腦螢幕整個人就一片空白, 完全無法作用了~~~Orz, 所以, 有時間再分享吧~~=P"

以上是最近看到令我會心一笑, 很愛的commercial, 希望看了的人也會有好心情^________^

October, actually from the end of Sep., is really a demanding month for financial analyst, especially for a beginner that ever started to work in finance area like me. In the worst case, I even think of giving up. The painful and tortured days will continue until completing the Oct. close, which is taken place at the 1st. week of Nov., then we can get a break after almost two spreadsheet-non-stop months.

Fortunately, I still keep the habit of writing the meditation notes, and get lots of thoughts and reflections from daily meditation. Maybe sharing out some other day.....

Anyway, though this is not what I've planned to post after a long gap of updating, I love this Mastercard commercial, which really brings the delights:)


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